Monday, July 11, 2011

Plumage - Super Ballin'

Two weekends ago the boy, his roommate, and one of my best friend's boyfriend, and I piled into a car and road tripped to New York for Super Ball - a 3 day Phish festival.  I spent most of the weekend in a bikini top and shorts (and have the awesomely tan shoulders to prove it) but I did manage to actually get dressed a time or two - here's the proof:

Shirt, shorts: Old Navy; Belt: Body Shop; Shoes: Sahara; Shades: outdoor vendor; water: Fiji

This has easily become one of my favorite summer outfits.  It's breezy and casual while still looking put together.  The best part:  I shoved it into my very small bag (I packed lighter than the boys!) and it didn't wrinkle too badly at all.  Love.  


  1. Such a cute outfit. Very earthy and perfect for festivals and outdoor concerts :-)

  2. i know this is an old post, but this is such a cute outfit! love the colors!
