Monday, February 28, 2011

Flight Report - The Ups and Downs of my Weekend (comma, Life)

How was everyone’s weekend?  As the previous post may indicate, mine wasn’t as fun-filled as I’ve become accustomed to in recent months.  Don’t get me wrong – I made it out of the house for a few little adventures (which I will detail below as soon as I get the Monday ‘blahs’ out of my system) – but everything just didn’t seem to be popping and clicking quite right. 

For starters, I went dancing with one of my bestests on Friday night.   As many of you can probably relate, usually after working all week I barely have the energy to put on my sweatpants and queue up the Netflix, much less go shake my booty until last call – but I rallied.  I put on a short skirt, re-did my makeup, grabbed a bottle of wine and headed over to my friend’s apartment – so proud of myself for mustering up a little party-girl attitude in my post-party-girl days.  And then I got into a wreck.  Not a serious one by any means.  My car and I are just fine (although she does have a cut hood and busted headlight and a full bottle of wine spilled in her floorboard), and the other woman involved was incredibly nice so we didn’t even exchange info.  So no harm, no foul (for the record it was really neither of our faults – we were coming off an exit and the guy in front of her slammed on his breaks so suddenly that she either had to hit him or get hit by me -  she chose the latter and luckily only had a scraped up spare tire to show for it).  And while I was so grateful that it wasn’t any worse (especially since I am an admittedly terrible driver), it still left me a bit shaken (not to mention wine-less) for the evening.

Saturday morning didn’t get off to a much better start.  In addition to sore calves (I need to start hitting the gym instead of the club), I was woken up by a call from my mom telling me that there was a death in the family.  Now I wasn’t particularly close to this relative, but he was an amazingly strong man and the world is surely worse off in his absence.  Besides, there is just something about death that is always unsettling, and I found myself in a melancholy mindset for the rest of the day. 

Basically, all of this, combined with the lack of communication from the boy (which has since been explained and mostly resolved – the lapse that is, not my own paranoia and trust issues), made for a less than spectacular weekend.  But let me stop being such a downer and describe a few of the moments that really were pretty great.

First of all, though  I was tired and mourning the loss of my $20.00 bottle of wine, going dancing was really, really fun.  I forgot how awesome and entertaining terrible pop music, drunk people, and just going out in general can be.  

Then, on Saturday night I took two of the kids I used to nanny (yep, I was a nanny for 2 ½ years before I landed my current job) to see the play “The Giver” (based on the children’s book).  It was directed by a guy I went to high school and college with (he was actually my boy’s college roommate for all four years), so I might be biased, but I think (and the kids agreed) it was completely amazing.  If you haven’t read that book I highly recommend you do so – don’t be deterred by the “children’s book” label – it simply takes big ideas (like how important love and even pain are in our lives) and makes them understandable and accessible in a way that a fancier, more “adult” novel wouldn’t be capable of.   

Sunday night my roommate returned home (yay!) and we curled up on the boy’s couch and completely took over his TV (we don’t have cable) for six hours while we watched the Oscars (and the pre-show).  Even though I thought this was a phenomenal year for movies (I truly loved every nominee in the best picture category), the show itself was a bit boring (although I still think Anne Hathaway and James Franco are totally adorable and endearing).  The fashion, however, was anything but.  My three favorites below:

Well thanks for making it through this long, and slightly negative post.  I promise to try and be back to my cheery self tomorrow.  Actually, I already feel tons better – this whole blogging thing really is therapeutic . . .

Until next time lovies,

Ruffled Feathers

So I haven't talked to the boy in over 24 hours.  This is a first.  He's on a ski trip with a bunch of friends and has no signal.  He borrowed a cell and called me when they got there, and again yesterday morning, but since then, zero communication.  And I'm freaked.  That sounds entirely irrational (at least I can admit that, and isn't that the first step in overcoming?) and I am sure that he is fine - with all limbs, and most importantly (to me, at least) our relationship intact.  But I'm still freaked - like googling the signs of cheating (as if I don't know them), and listening to break-up songs on repeat freaked.  Allow me to explain.  

Before this boy, there was another boy (isn't that always the case?).  One I loved very much.  One who hurt me very often and very badly.  A lapse in communication from this boy usually meant that the parts of him I so dearly wanted all to myself (namely his lips, penis, and heart) were being shared with another (or multiple other) girls.  Thus, I began to equate silence with infidelity.  And apparently, as much as I want to pretend I'm all whole and healed and healthy - those trust issues are still there.  So no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm being irrational, no matter how desperately I want to believe that everything is fine, I still feel like the world is crumbling.  It doesn't help that this has been a particularly difficult weekend - I got into a fender bender and busted a headlight, there was a death in the family, my roommate is out of town, and my mom isn't answering my calls . . . so it's just me, my dog, my quiet apartment (I finally shut off the break-up songs), and my silent cell phone.  Did I mention that I'm freaked?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Eggs of Inspiration . . .

"I get by, with a little help from my friends"
- John Lennon

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bird Books - "Girls in Trucks" by Katie Crouch

My roommate and I both love to read. I have stacks of books sitting around my room waiting to be read (or re-read) and she has to be one of Barnes and Noble's biggest financial backers.  That being said, we rarely pick up the same type of books.  She gravitates more towards the supernatural and fantastic and I tend to lend to the dark and weird (a la Palahniuk and Vonnegut).  Nevertheless, when someone puts a book in my hand and says "read this, you'll love it" I find it nearly impossible to turn them down (if for no other reason than I believe that the books people recommend to you tells a lot about their perception of you - accurate or not).  So, when my new roomie (since July) and lifelong best friend (since the first day of kindergarten) told me that I needed to read Katie Crouch's novel "Girls in Trucks" I was a bit skeptical, but completely curious.  

"Girls"  sat a top the pile on might nightstand for several weeks until I finished the (sub-par and therefore not reviewed) British chick lit I was reading at the time.  I expected it to be a light, fun, perhaps slightly contrived read, and the first few chapters seem to affirm this assumption.  However, after making it to the half-way point, I realized that the girlish, summery, bare-footted cover was highly deceiving and was certainly not one to judge by.  Sure, this can easily be described as a coming-of-age story, and it definitely has its funny/endearing/girl power moments, but it approaches difficult topics (such as cancer, love,  sex, unplanned pregnancy, aging, sexuality, infidelity, etc.) with a direct tone and a dark wit that left me surprised (and occasionally blushing).  I would have never picked this book up off the shelf - everything from its cover, to its tag line ("a story of good girls and bad decisions"), to Ms. Crouch's young, pretty, smiling author photo screams 'teenie bopper' to me - but I am very glad that it found its way into my hands.  Definitely give this (and any book recommended by your best friend) a chance - I'm reasonably confident you won't be disappointed (especially if your expectations are as low as mine were). 

Only one more day until the weekend lovies!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Plumage - Fine Art Edition

One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm a sucker for all things art/theater/music/social awareness related - especially when they are free.  I am lucky enough to live in a town that embraces its artsy side and sponsors many of these kinds of events/exhibits.  Though I am reluctant to admit it, during my college years I did not take full advantage of all this community has to offer.  Thus, I am spending my post-college weekends trying to remedy this situation by going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and checking out as many local events as possible.  

This past weekend, the boy and I decided (okay, I decided, and he was nice enough not only to go along, but to wake up early and drive the hour back from visiting his parents to take me) to go see the new installation at the aboriginal art museum.  It was a beautiful, but windy Saturday morning, so it was nice to be indoors, exploring the wide collection of pieces bathed in natural light. There was also a free, guided tour which was equal parts informative enough to keep our interest and brief enough not to drag.  Here are some shots of us posing near the giant, pink kangaroos in the new installation room.  According to our tour guide, they symbolize the power and vibrancy of the aboriginal people, and also serve as a bold reminder of the hardships and oppression still facing these people.  

Sweater -  Pacific Sunwear. Skirt - ModCloth. Scarf: Urban Outfitters. Bag: Finch, local boutique.  

The only thing missing from these shots are my amazing shoes which were sadly cut off (boys rarely understand the importance of a full outfit shot ::sigh::).  Here is an online pic of them just so you can try and imagine the entire look  - they (and pretty much all "Irregular Choice" shoes) are like works of art for your feet:

Shoes - Oz, Irregular Choice.

Have a great night lovies! 


Monday, February 21, 2011

Flight Report - Live Music

Happy Monday lovies!  This past week went by in such a blur (probably due in large part to my own shock over getting the job), but I wanted to share with you a few of the things I've been up to in my non-working, non-sleeping hours.  

Last Wednesday night the boy and I went to see "The Yonder Mountain String Band" in concert at our favorite local venue.  The show was really great (although I have to admit that I was feeling quite sleeping by half-way through the second set - weekday concerts are rough on us 9-5ers).  Yonder is sort of a cross-over blue grass jam band - although my roommates boyfriend who is a more traditional blue grass musician (a very, very talented one might I add) denies that they fit into the blue grass category at all.    Nevertheless, they put on a great show.  Here are a few shots we snapped:

Yep, that's the boy - Caleb (for anyone who might be curious if he actually had a name).  

On Saturday afternoon we drove to Richmond to stay with my college roommate and her boyfriend (two of my very favorite people on the planet).  Joined by them and a group of their friends, we saw Lotus in concert at the National.  I cannot accurately describe how wonderful the show was, but if you like eletronica, jam music, great dance beats (or any combination there of) definitely give them a listen (or even better, go see them in concert if you get the chance!).

I'm also uploading a few (very late) pics to my Valentines' Day post if any one cares to see what I ate or what the boy's present from me looked like.

Have a great night lovies,


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Plumage - Valentines' Edition

I just wanted to quickly share with you all my first of many outfit posts.  This little get-up took me from work to dinner date quite nicely with a little V-Day festiveness thrown in.  

Shirt, Skirt - gap.  Cardigan, tights, rose ring - Forever 21.  Shoes - Rocket dog.  Scarf - Finch (local boutique). 

Again, sorry for the poor quality of these photos.  The boy and I are going to a concert tonight (review and photos to come), so I'm hoping to snap a few more interesting shots.  

Until then my lovies,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flight Report - Valentines' Day Edition

Since yesterday was Valentines' Day, I wanted to wait until Tuesday to share with you what I've been up to.  Having a major holiday on a Monday always makes the weekend feel a bit longer anyways, and I wanted to include the fun things the beau (you'll meet him soon too) and I did to celebrate.

But first - the weekend.  Honestly, Saturday and Sunday were pretty low key.  The weather was beautiful, so I took Jake to the dog park.  Okay, time for introductions.  Jake is my 15 month old Australian Shepherd.  He is incredibly smart, loyal, and adorable, but hyper doesn't even begin to cover his behavior.  So we make frequent trips to the dog park, local hiking trails, and my grandmother's house, where he can run free and work out some of his overexcitement issues.  Here he is, in a rare still moment:

I also got a much needed haircut this weekend - nothing too ground breaking but the short look is still pretty new to me (I made a drastic cut this past summer) so every time I have it trimmed up instead of growing it back out, it feels like a major decision.

Valentines' Day was also pretty mellow this year.  The boy and I have only been together a few short months (although we've known each other for 9 years - we went to high school and college together, but were never close until 3 months ago, at which point we became very close, very quickly).  I don't think either of us really knew what to expect (or what was expected) and we wanted to share a special night minus all the cliches.  I wound up making chocolate-covered strawberries (food cliches don't count, they are simply delicious) and buying him a red Moleskine notebook that he's had his eye on for a while.  Of course, he came home the day before Valentines' Day with the exact same one which he had finally decided to buy for himself.  Luckily, we were able to laugh about it and he is more than happy to have two nice, new notebooks.  Since I have an intense, newfound love for soup, he got me a huge soup cookbook full of new recipes I can't wait to try (and share).  He then cooked the most delicious chicken enchiladas and handmade tortilla chips and we shared a bottle of champagne to celebrate the holiday and my big job news.  All in all it was a great way to spend our first (of hopefully many) Valentines' Days together. 

Tomorrow I'll give you a peek at what I wore for the evening (and to work since I didn't want to waste time changing).  I'll apologize in advance for the poor lighting and boring background in the pictures.  Once daylight savings kicks in I promise more adventurous and interesting outfit shots - for now, I hope you enjoy the shadowy glimpses of my wardrobe against a blank wall back drop :)

Until then my lovies,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bird Books - "The Lover's Dictionary" by David Livithan

awe (noun)

 - an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fearetc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful

That is the only word I can use to describe my feelings toward David Livithan's new book, "The Lover's Dictionary".  It is a love story, written in true dictionary format, with each chapter beginning with a word and brief vignettes from this couple's life together serving as the definitions.  Told in alphabetical order rather than chronologically, piece by piece, Livithan's story captures the true essence of modern, everyday, troubled love in a way that no other poem, novel, or movie has ever done for me.  Like most good books that have made their way into my life, this story consumed me.  I was constantly reading (or wishing I was reading), and when it wasn't in my hands or on my nightstand, it was a constant companion in my purse.  However, this book went beyond being simply a good read.  For me, the mark of a truly moving piece of writing is when the narrator's tone and pacing actually influences (or even takes over) my own thought patterns.  For the days that followed I found myself (in a manner significantly less articulate than Livithan) assigning words to my daily events - trying to capture my interactions and reactions by summing them up in neat paragraphs.  

In short, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has loved, been loved, or is curious at what real, imperfect, soul-shaking love can look like.  

In completely unrelated, but very exciting news:  I got the job!!!  What a wonderful Valentines' Day present - I hope all of yours are just as amazing.  

Sending love to my lovies, 

Flight Pattern . . .

Now that we have some of the background stuff out of the way, I wanted to fill you all in on my plans for this page.  I hope to create a mix of personal sharing (photos and stories from my various daily adventures), reviews (books mainly with perhaps some recipes, movies, and music thrown in), outfit posts (concoctions from my own closet), inspirational quotes and photos,  and miscellaneous fashion finds, etc.  Right now my (very) tentative posting schedule is:

Monday - "Flight Report" 
Tuesday - "Bird Books" (and occasionally "Bird Feed" and "Bird Songs")
Wednesday - "Plumage"
Thursday - "Eggs of Inspiration"
Friday - "Winging It"

Please forgive the cheesy overuse of bird-related puns - I just love the idea of a theme.

I fully anticipate this rigid schedule to give way to much more scattered posting times (and topics), but hopefully that gives you (and me) and sense of where this page is heading.

All of that being said I am about to already break ranks in today's Valentines' Day themed post . . .

Sincerely your makeshift blogger,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't Break my Heart on Valentines' Day . . .

Let's go back to discussing my blogging motivations for just a minute.  For the past three months I have been working as a temporary employee of mid-sized company.  That's right - I'm a temp.  That isn't a word I ever saw as a descriptor of myself, but there it is.  And in the past three months I have gotten very comfortable and grown rather fond of my position, and I never really stopped to think much about the temporary aspect of it (with the exception of seeing my paycheck every week and hoping that the "to hire" part kicked in sooner rather than later).  Well turns out it was later, but it did eventually kick in.  This past Tuesday, I reinterviewed for "my" job - along side 4 other women who were all significantly older, much more experienced, and lacking a college degree.  I wore a suit.  My references were called.  And at the end of the day I walked away feeling like I rocked the interview, and that this entire process was just a formality to officially hire me in the position I had been working for the past three months.

Here is the point in the post when I was hoping to sum up what happened next.  I wanted to share my joy at finally (nine months after my college graduation) getting a "real" job, with the salary and benefits to match - OR on a less happy note, share my disappointment at being once again unemployed.  Unfortunately,  I have yet to hear an answer.  I have a meeting with the Chief of Staff on Monday afternoon, when I'm assuming she will either officially give me the job or officially let me go.  So I am forced to wait, and potentially be faced with heartbreaking news on Valentines' Day.

But if nothing else, this process (which began approximately a month ago with them listing the position opening online) has lead me to a new level of self evaluation and analysis which lead me to starting this blog, and ultimately to this moment - sitting in my bed with a fresh cup of coffee, my MacBook, and my dog (you'll meet Jake soon), writing out to all of you.

Wish me luck lovies - I will keep you posted

Friday, February 11, 2011

I like shiny things . . .

Without being aware of it, I have been preparing to start a blog for a long time now.  There is a folder on my computer full of pictures and quotes that inspire me.  I send my roommate an annoying amount of blog recommendations and online shopping deals.  I style up cute outfits to show my boyfriend - who would probably think I'm just as attractive with no makeup, wearing a garbage bag (a frustratingly endearing trait).  Tearing through my google reader list every morning has become one of the highlights of my day.  I am constantly inspired by others' posts, and the blogging world has shaped and guided my opinions in countless ways.  From the clothes I wear (and the way I wear them), to the books I read, or the kind of wedding I hope to have, the blogs and tumblrs I follow have a huge impact on my life.  Then suddenly (for reasons we will discuss later) I realized that I have thoughts, opinions, recommendations, and a personal style that I wants to share with all of you out there as well.  So here it goes . . .

Let's go back . . . I was born on a bright sunny day in California  . . . whoa, whoa, whoa! - too far back Amanda.  Ah yes, my name is Amanda.  I'm a 23 year old recent college graduate, which means I am just now (happily) exiting the ramen noodle, bar-hopping, wearing-sweatpants-in-public phase of my life. However, I'm still living on a tight budget, making my love of new and shiny things sometimes difficult to manage (thus the title of this blog was born).  But I think in order to get a real sense of who I am, what I love, and what my life is about, you'll just have to follow along . . .

Until then lovies.  
Newly yours,
