Friday, June 24, 2011

Plumage - Men's Shirt

This may be my favorite shirt.  It's certainly my most comfortable button-up.  It's actually a men's shirt.  From Goodwill.  That my best friend/former roommate gave me when I needed some "office appropriate" wear, before I had time to properly transition my wardrobe.  It’s not the most flattering shirt.  In fact, I took one of the worst photos in recent memory wearing it recently.  But nevertheless, I love it. 

Shirt: American Eagle, thrift gift; Dress (worn as a skirt): American Eagle; Belt: Anthro; Shoes: Sahara; Earrings: F21 

Especially paired with this dress (worn as a skirt).  The rich cranberry and dark blue play together so nicely.  And that’s my favorite belt.  I feel like the pieces in my closet that become my favorites aren’t necessarily the most flattering.  They are comfortable, and pretty, and as of late, the best thrifting finds.  They are what I would wear even if I was all alone and dressing only for myself, and even though I’m glad I own a growing collection of pretty party dresses, stiletto heels, and pencil skirts  - it’s really these gems that become the wardrobe of my daily (non-working) life.

Flight Report - Blah

I have a distinct idea of what my happiest life feels like.  It’s the perfect balance of chaos and structure.  It’s spontaneity and responsibility seamlessly coexisting.   It’s late night swims, followed by showers in a freshly scrubbed tub.  It’s love making on hot summer nights and standing naked in the kitchen eating cold cherries.  It’s a well-stocked fridge that allows for impromptu picnics, and sipping coffee on Sunday morning while reading to the sounds of laundry. 

And right now I’m failing at creating this life.  I feel simultaneously unproductive and no fun.  I need to vacuum and I can’t remember the last time I went out dancing.  I just feel off.  Not myself.  Blah. 

Tonight I clean and cook.  Tomorrow I frolic. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keeping it Cas(ual)

Work has been insane as of late, leaving me too brain dead to compose anything close to coherent (much less witty and entertaining) on music, books, or pretty quotes and pictures.  

However, I do have an outfit shot.  Just one.  From several weeks ago.  And I'm wearing jeans.  ::Sigh::

But fear not - tomorrow starts my 5 day vacation.  I will be getting my hair cut and possibly getting a massage (which I won for free on the radio - movie trivia for the win!).  I will be spending lots of time with my family, swimming in the river with Jake, and eating too much good food.  I will also not have an internet connection, BUT I intend to write several posts for my return (once my wittyness is back at full capacity).

But for now, you get this: 

scarf: gap.  sweater: pacific sunwear.  jeans: abercrombie. sandles: sahara. 

The thing is, I really like this outfit.  It was inspired by a look on the jcrew site, and after two weeks of wearing nothing but office attire and heels (quickly followed by comfy clothes and bare feet once I arrive home), I am missing the more casual side of my wardrobe.  Also, Jake decided to partake in the photo shoot.  I couldn't bear to crop him out. 

I hope you all have a casual/amazing/relaxing weekend.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Plumage - Parisian Badass

This outfit was born from this scarf.  

thrifted it a few months ago, and although I have roughly 30+ scarves, this is my first traditional, silk one, and I was having a difficult time styling it (instead of simply tying it onto my purse for decoration).  I decided that even though I had no idea what to do with it, one of those perpetually and effortless French women would know exactly how to wear it, so I channeled my inner Chanel, and voila.

Button-up: Cato; Skirt: Modcloth; Boots: hand-me-downs from my aunt; Scarf: thrifted; Earrings: gift from an ex.

My French outfit guide instructed me to wear black, pointed toe flats, but I was already getting annoyed at her input (and the fact that she reeked of cigarette smoke, wore sunglasses inside, and wouldn’t eat any of the delicious cobbler I offered her), so I slipped on boots instead.  My feet were warm, my tattoos were covered, and I felt slightly badass chic. 

Au revoir lovies J

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Flight Report - Double Dose

Eek - where did the past week go??  I had a nice Memorial Day weekend post all typed up, and then my camera cord decided to go MIA.  It has yet to resurface, but through my stellar thieving . . .um borrowing skills, I jacked the boy's cord and managed to finally upload these pictures.  So that means that you're going to get a double weekend up-date (I can hear you all gasping with joy out there - double weekend update?! ::said in the sweet "double rainbow" in-awe voice).  

First, last weekend:

Three day weekends are quite possibly the best things ever.  I got to cram in all the fun family/friends/puppy/boyfriend time I wanted, and still had most of the day yesterday to catch up on laundry and my hulu queue.  Perfection.  

Friday night Caleb and I went out to dinner, just the two of us. I wore a dress and drank a frozen cocktail.  He told me I looked beautiful and picked up the tab.  It was a real date date, and it was wonderful.  Afterwards we had a few more cocktails and played cards with friends.  

Saturday morning we got up on the bright bright and hit the farmer's market.  I got the most beautiful bouquet for C's mom, a new house plant, and some fresh strawberries - which we used to top off the waffles and homemade whipped cream we made for breakfast.

We spent the rest of the day by the pool and then grilled out tuna steaks with friends that night.  

Sunday we headed back to our hometown for C's family reunion, followed by a party/cookout on the river.  I spent the day eating way too much good food, playing barefoot soccer and ladder ball with C, and dancing to live music with his Mom (although I did guilt the boy into dancing one song with me).  

The cutie and his Dad - both too cool to look at the camera :)

And now this weekend:

Sadly, Caleb had to work on Saturday, so our Friday night consisted of catching a bit of an outdoor concert before returning home, pizza in hand, and playing cards.

Saturday, after he headed off to work, I managed to pull myself out of bed and into the shower early enough to make the Farmer's Market again.  I got more strawberries, and a lovely lavendar plant for his apartment.  I spent the rest of the day laying out reading by the pool. I felt like kind of a jerk since C was working all day and I was being a total bum . . . but it doesn't take long for sun, swimming, and a good book to make everything better :)

Sunday one of my closest friends came to town to stay with me because she took her LSAT here yesterday.  She wanted to have a relaxing day before her big test so we went and did Bikram Yoga - which is a lot like regular yoga but performed in a 105+ degree room.  It was incredibly intense, but I felt amazing afterwards.  Of course, after doing something so good for our bodies, we decided we needed hot showers, spicy mexican food, and cold beers.  We met up with C and his friend for drinks and wrapped up the amazing weekend.  

I think that about catches us up.  Yay for fun weekends!

And yay for my two favorite boys