Friday, April 8, 2011

Bird Books - "Super Freakonomics" by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt

I'm not particularly math-minded.  I mean I get it on a basic level.  I even skipped a year of it in 7th grade (which lead to me being the geeky underclassman in the advanced upperclassman classes in high school). I took and passed two semesters of college calculus.  But you're not going to find me solving equations or reading economic journals for fun.  I prefer crosswords to sudoku.  I think maybe it's because I'm a broad strokes, big picture kind of thinker, and math is all about the details.  Don't get me wrong, I know details are important, but I generally get a general sense of what I'm aiming for and fill in the details later.  It's not until I get the wrong answer that I realize I forgot to carry the one.

All of that being said,  I really, really enjoyed Dubner and Levitt's book "Superfreakonomics", a follow up to their debut novel "Freakonomics" (which was also quite good).  Even though the book is based primarily on economic data, it's focus is on how this data can be applied to everyday life in unusual ways to reveal new, and sometimes shocking conclusions.  Between their two novels they touch on a variety of cultures and topics, from professional sumo wrestling (cheaters!), to global warming (solved!), to prostitution (patriotic!).  And perhaps most importantly, they take the reader step by step in such a gentle progression, that you are left feeling like you almost came to their proposed conclusions on your own (it's a brilliant way to make a point).  

Last weekend the boy (okay I think he really really hates that I call him that, so I'm going to stop . . . now  . . . ish) Caleb and I watched the documentary based on the first novel.  If you are too busy, lazy, or illiterate to read the book, I definitely recommend the movie - otherwise, stick with the book.

Have a great weekend lovies!  My plans include a new Indian restaurant, giving Jake a flea/tick bath, and going hiking - can't wait to tell you all about it (esp the flea/tick part!).  


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