Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flight Report - Birds of a Feather

Hi lovies!  I hope everyone's week is off to an amazing start.  The boy and I had a wonderful, family-filled weekends - just not together.  He went off to the beach with his parents and left me behind to wallow in the cloudy weather and mourn my tanless legs (kidding - they actually invited me to come along, but I didn't want to dump Jake on my mom and miss Easter with the family - that might just put me in the running for worst daughter of the year award). So in his absence, I made plans for my little brother to come up to visit me on Saturday.  I did my best to give him the full liberal, artsy, college-town, experience (he kept calling it 'hipster weekend' so I think I succeeded). 

My baby bro - Dalton.  Full disclosure: you're going to be seeing this same background in my next outfit shot since I convinced him to snap a few of me as well. 

We started it off by getting breakfast tacos at the place we always go for beer tasting.  Then we made what I promised to be a short pit stop at my favorite thrift store (it wound up taking about an hour and a half, but he was a trooper and I found some amazing pieces, including a dress I wore for Easter and hope to post pics of shortly).  Next we drove downtown and tried to go to an art gallery.  Unfortunately, it was closed because they were having a performance that night, so we wound up walking around the outdoor mall instead.  There was a big Earth Day fair going on with live music and eco-friendly vendors selling their wares.  We actually found a different gallery which focused on installation pieces, so we stopped in there for a bit before grabbing lunch at the best pizza place in town (possibly the world - but I won't go that far until I make my own pasta pilgrimage to Italy).  

After stopping by my place to change and pick up Jake, we went hiking, and worked up a serious appetite for the taco feast that ensued afterwards.  We ended the night at an improv show - one of the funniest I've seen in quite a while.   

Two of my favorite boys - looking all outdoorsy. 

Sunday, after a smoothie run, brother dearest and I caravanned back to my hometown to spend Easter with the family.  It was everything I love about going home all rolled into one trip.  We ate so much yummy food, sat on the front porch and talked, went down by the river (where Jake and Dalton went swimming - Jake for much longer and much more enthusiastically), dyed eggs, and played cards.  I even got to see my Dad and step mom before I headed back (they had been out of town, road tripping on their harley).  

Our beautiful eggs - I did most of the ones on the left side, and my mom did the right.

Ususally I get a little sad when I leave and head back home, knowing that it'll be a few weeks or even months before I see everyone again, but since I got to go back and see Caleb after he'd been gone for four days, I was more than a little excited.  I wasn't even too jealous of his tan.  

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