Sunday, April 3, 2011

Flight Report - Flying Home (for the winter?!?)

This past weekend the boy and I took a trip to our hometown to visit both of our families. And it snowed.  On the last weekend of March.  Snow.  I was not pleased.  But besides the yucky white stuff, it was so nice spending time with my mama, plus we got to go see the 30+ acres her and my step father just bought.  One of my step brothers was also in town with his gf, which was pretty cool since I hadn't seen them in over 2 1/2 years.  So since my weekend consisted entirely of family bonding, I thought this would be a nice time to do a little recap of my family tree.  Don't worry - I'm not taking you down my deep (and let's be real, probably incestuous) southern roots - this tree is comprised entirely of my immediate family: mother, father, brother, and step variations there of. 

Basically, my mother and father (who were the quintessential high school sweet hearts) started dating at age 14, got married at age 18, and spawned me and my brother shortly there after.  They stayed married for 22 years before divorcing shortly before my 16th birthday.  Enter my stepfather, with his three sons, and my stepmother, with her son and daughter, and there you have my current family tree - beautifully diagramed for you below:

Yep, that's me - blonde ponytail and pink polka dots. 

Because my parents divorced so late in my life, and I moved in with my then-boyfriend about a year later, I didn't really get to know my step siblings all that well.  Visiting with them now is really cool, but also a little strange.  Labeling someone as my "brother" (step or not) without ever having gone through all those "brotherly" traditions is pretty foreign (and I still can't really wrap my head around "sister" because I never even had one of those before).  I have never built forts, played in the woods, or wrestled with my step brothers.  I never showed the younger ones how to hit a ball or tie their shoes.  The older ones have never intimidated the guy I was seeing or told him how to "treat his little sister", and I never had embarrassing crushes on any of their friends (in fact I've only met two or three of their friends in the first place).  In a way though I'm pretty glad it was just me and my (non-step) little brother growing up.  I got to be the big sister, with only one annoying little tag-alonger to deal with.  Since it was only us, we were each other's best friends and worst enemies.  I made him play Barbie, he broke my stuff,  and together we explored basically every inch of my grandparent's land.  

Here we are this past Christmas.  Isn't he so handsome??

So I intended this post to be a brief overview of my family, in part so that I had an excuse to make a sweet stick figure diagram, and also to provide you with some source of reference when I mention my "steps".  Instead, it seems to have turned into me talking about how awesome my little brother is.  And he is awesome.  Awesome, artistic, musical, mischievously handsome, and wildly cool (if you read my previous post about how hard I've had to work for my cool points, you'll understand why I'm incredibly jealous and a little bit in awe of his natural hipness).  

But there you have it - a little insight into my family, and a big shout out to my little bro.  Happy Friday lovies,


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