Monday, February 28, 2011

Flight Report - The Ups and Downs of my Weekend (comma, Life)

How was everyone’s weekend?  As the previous post may indicate, mine wasn’t as fun-filled as I’ve become accustomed to in recent months.  Don’t get me wrong – I made it out of the house for a few little adventures (which I will detail below as soon as I get the Monday ‘blahs’ out of my system) – but everything just didn’t seem to be popping and clicking quite right. 

For starters, I went dancing with one of my bestests on Friday night.   As many of you can probably relate, usually after working all week I barely have the energy to put on my sweatpants and queue up the Netflix, much less go shake my booty until last call – but I rallied.  I put on a short skirt, re-did my makeup, grabbed a bottle of wine and headed over to my friend’s apartment – so proud of myself for mustering up a little party-girl attitude in my post-party-girl days.  And then I got into a wreck.  Not a serious one by any means.  My car and I are just fine (although she does have a cut hood and busted headlight and a full bottle of wine spilled in her floorboard), and the other woman involved was incredibly nice so we didn’t even exchange info.  So no harm, no foul (for the record it was really neither of our faults – we were coming off an exit and the guy in front of her slammed on his breaks so suddenly that she either had to hit him or get hit by me -  she chose the latter and luckily only had a scraped up spare tire to show for it).  And while I was so grateful that it wasn’t any worse (especially since I am an admittedly terrible driver), it still left me a bit shaken (not to mention wine-less) for the evening.

Saturday morning didn’t get off to a much better start.  In addition to sore calves (I need to start hitting the gym instead of the club), I was woken up by a call from my mom telling me that there was a death in the family.  Now I wasn’t particularly close to this relative, but he was an amazingly strong man and the world is surely worse off in his absence.  Besides, there is just something about death that is always unsettling, and I found myself in a melancholy mindset for the rest of the day. 

Basically, all of this, combined with the lack of communication from the boy (which has since been explained and mostly resolved – the lapse that is, not my own paranoia and trust issues), made for a less than spectacular weekend.  But let me stop being such a downer and describe a few of the moments that really were pretty great.

First of all, though  I was tired and mourning the loss of my $20.00 bottle of wine, going dancing was really, really fun.  I forgot how awesome and entertaining terrible pop music, drunk people, and just going out in general can be.  

Then, on Saturday night I took two of the kids I used to nanny (yep, I was a nanny for 2 ½ years before I landed my current job) to see the play “The Giver” (based on the children’s book).  It was directed by a guy I went to high school and college with (he was actually my boy’s college roommate for all four years), so I might be biased, but I think (and the kids agreed) it was completely amazing.  If you haven’t read that book I highly recommend you do so – don’t be deterred by the “children’s book” label – it simply takes big ideas (like how important love and even pain are in our lives) and makes them understandable and accessible in a way that a fancier, more “adult” novel wouldn’t be capable of.   

Sunday night my roommate returned home (yay!) and we curled up on the boy’s couch and completely took over his TV (we don’t have cable) for six hours while we watched the Oscars (and the pre-show).  Even though I thought this was a phenomenal year for movies (I truly loved every nominee in the best picture category), the show itself was a bit boring (although I still think Anne Hathaway and James Franco are totally adorable and endearing).  The fashion, however, was anything but.  My three favorites below:

Well thanks for making it through this long, and slightly negative post.  I promise to try and be back to my cheery self tomorrow.  Actually, I already feel tons better – this whole blogging thing really is therapeutic . . .

Until next time lovies,

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