Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flight Report - Valentines' Day Edition

Since yesterday was Valentines' Day, I wanted to wait until Tuesday to share with you what I've been up to.  Having a major holiday on a Monday always makes the weekend feel a bit longer anyways, and I wanted to include the fun things the beau (you'll meet him soon too) and I did to celebrate.

But first - the weekend.  Honestly, Saturday and Sunday were pretty low key.  The weather was beautiful, so I took Jake to the dog park.  Okay, time for introductions.  Jake is my 15 month old Australian Shepherd.  He is incredibly smart, loyal, and adorable, but hyper doesn't even begin to cover his behavior.  So we make frequent trips to the dog park, local hiking trails, and my grandmother's house, where he can run free and work out some of his overexcitement issues.  Here he is, in a rare still moment:

I also got a much needed haircut this weekend - nothing too ground breaking but the short look is still pretty new to me (I made a drastic cut this past summer) so every time I have it trimmed up instead of growing it back out, it feels like a major decision.

Valentines' Day was also pretty mellow this year.  The boy and I have only been together a few short months (although we've known each other for 9 years - we went to high school and college together, but were never close until 3 months ago, at which point we became very close, very quickly).  I don't think either of us really knew what to expect (or what was expected) and we wanted to share a special night minus all the cliches.  I wound up making chocolate-covered strawberries (food cliches don't count, they are simply delicious) and buying him a red Moleskine notebook that he's had his eye on for a while.  Of course, he came home the day before Valentines' Day with the exact same one which he had finally decided to buy for himself.  Luckily, we were able to laugh about it and he is more than happy to have two nice, new notebooks.  Since I have an intense, newfound love for soup, he got me a huge soup cookbook full of new recipes I can't wait to try (and share).  He then cooked the most delicious chicken enchiladas and handmade tortilla chips and we shared a bottle of champagne to celebrate the holiday and my big job news.  All in all it was a great way to spend our first (of hopefully many) Valentines' Days together. 

Tomorrow I'll give you a peek at what I wore for the evening (and to work since I didn't want to waste time changing).  I'll apologize in advance for the poor lighting and boring background in the pictures.  Once daylight savings kicks in I promise more adventurous and interesting outfit shots - for now, I hope you enjoy the shadowy glimpses of my wardrobe against a blank wall back drop :)

Until then my lovies,

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