Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruffled Feathers

So I haven't talked to the boy in over 24 hours.  This is a first.  He's on a ski trip with a bunch of friends and has no signal.  He borrowed a cell and called me when they got there, and again yesterday morning, but since then, zero communication.  And I'm freaked.  That sounds entirely irrational (at least I can admit that, and isn't that the first step in overcoming?) and I am sure that he is fine - with all limbs, and most importantly (to me, at least) our relationship intact.  But I'm still freaked - like googling the signs of cheating (as if I don't know them), and listening to break-up songs on repeat freaked.  Allow me to explain.  

Before this boy, there was another boy (isn't that always the case?).  One I loved very much.  One who hurt me very often and very badly.  A lapse in communication from this boy usually meant that the parts of him I so dearly wanted all to myself (namely his lips, penis, and heart) were being shared with another (or multiple other) girls.  Thus, I began to equate silence with infidelity.  And apparently, as much as I want to pretend I'm all whole and healed and healthy - those trust issues are still there.  So no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm being irrational, no matter how desperately I want to believe that everything is fine, I still feel like the world is crumbling.  It doesn't help that this has been a particularly difficult weekend - I got into a fender bender and busted a headlight, there was a death in the family, my roommate is out of town, and my mom isn't answering my calls . . . so it's just me, my dog, my quiet apartment (I finally shut off the break-up songs), and my silent cell phone.  Did I mention that I'm freaked?

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